Discover our team of experts

We are collectively steering towards innovative solutions.

Our Vision

Electronics is at the core of all of today’s and tomorrow’s most promising – and useful – innovations.

However the industry is powered by complex processes and sophisticated equipment, with a concerning carbon footprint.

Our Mission

We enable simpler electronics manufacturing with cutting edge material science expertise. Our technology harnesses natural fluidic forces for exceptional printing capabilities, eliminating the trade-off between complexity and high performance.

We blend the advantages of inkjet (flexibility, minimal waste and costs) and photolithography (high resolution, precision, and reliability) to power current and future electronics.

Our story

Our story began in the prestigious physics lab of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) and PSL University. After achieving the first patent for its nanoprinting technology, Hummink was created in 2020 by Amin M’barki and Pascal Boncenne, alongside its scientific inventors– Pr. Lydéric Bocquet, Alessandro Siria and Antoine Niguès – and Christophe Bureau, a deeptech serial entrepreneur.

The company has been supported since its foundation by Elaia Partners and PSL, with a first fundraising round in 2020. It was incubated during two years at PC’UP (ESPCI) and Agoranov.

Hummink has announced a second fundraising round of €5M in 2022, led by Sensinnovat and Elaia Partners, alongside with PSL and Beeyond, with the support of BPIFrance.

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