High precision electronics manufacturing.
Enabled by cutting edge material science expertise.
Discover our unique patented technology. Print your patterns in a single step, with unprecedented resolution and precision:
NAZCA is the game changer R&D machine that comes with dedicated inks.
NAZCA opens a range of possibilities for faster, smaller, purer and cheaper assembly and manufacturing of innovative electronics devices.
Manufacture the future with NAZCA.
Ask us for a demo or a proof of concept.
Explore collaboration possibilities with two distinct avenues:
Join us in shaping a future of innovation and excellence.
The future is driven by nano-electronic objects, designed with growing complexity and continual miniaturization. But the thing is: no one can assemble them.
My team was amazed by how easy the Nazca tool is to use! Usually, a system with as many options as the Nazca has would take several printing sessions to enable someone to successfully print on their own; for Nazca, it only took one training. We are looking forward to exploring many uncharted paths to direct-printed electronics using this system!”
Pr Aaron Franklin,
Professor at Duke University
Hummink’s technology offers unique manufacturing possibilities by allowing various materials to be deposited at scales inaccessible with existing technologies in our laboratory as well as in the market. We have thus acquired their NAZCA equipment to carry out numerous research projects in micro-electronics, with a strong industrial dimension”
Pr Vincent Noel,
Professor at Université Paris-Cité
Duke University
Grenoble INP
Northeastern University (upcoming)
Université Paris-Cité
Altech Ltd.
Rep. Office
5 rue Charlot
Hummink is the leading developer and supplier of High Precision Capillary Printing (HPCAP), a revolutionary technology for the display, semiconductor and printed electronics industry. Hummink is a spinoff from Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (IPGG) & Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), CNRS and PSL University.
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